If you agree with this...
Large safety training consumers have already made significant investments in HR Information systems.
- They are motivated to maximise these investments and expand the control and convenience of their Management Systems by integrating more digital and automated training data.
- They are equally motivated to remove siloed, manual, analogue and paper based systems along with the administrative overhead, error prone processes and the greater risk of non-compliance.
... then you should read on.
A special announcement for RTO Consultants
Streamline safety skills training with this IDEA integrate digitise enhance automate
RTOs can be seamlessly integrated with your closest customers' HR and LM systems by digitising skills training
technology driven opportunity
Thank you for your interest in this new IDEA.
We are very excited to show you the opportunties this breakthrough technology creates for you and your clients.
We have given you a very brief overview of the solution below.
Clearly, there is a lot more substance to the solution and we are very happy to show you.
Book a 30 minute intro with David and John for a more detailed explanation of the solution and an outline of the opportunities we see this development opening up for you. David was recently the General Manager of a National RTO and John was the Global Product Manager for an Immersive Learning technology company.
Reflex XR are actively looking for RTO consultants to partner with us and we encourage you to apply.
The problem
Although knowledge based learning has been digitised, streamlined and integrated with Learning Management Systems since last century, safety skills training is another matter entirely.
The current structure of safety skills training results in little integration between the relevant silos of information and requires much manual effort by the humans involved to keep all participants and systems current and compliant.
Safety Skills training is a large, important and complex beast that currently has many manual and analogue steps in the process.
Step 1 to solving the problem was to digitise and capture the learner/ trainer interactions. With that accomplished the trainer and learner are freed up to be more flexible in how they interact.
Admin becomes much easier with a lot more automation and objectivity introduced.
With the learner / trainer interactions digitised Step 2 is to then integrate the Trainer's systems with the customer's Management Systems.
This dramatically eases the burden on the Customer's training coordinators by automating many of the tedious tasks involved with keeping a workforce certified and compliant.
THE Result
Finally the systems are integrated and many of the mundane admin tasks from start to finish are automated. It does not matter whether they are trainees, trainers or admin staff and regardless of what part of the process they are involved with the users feel like they are interacting with one comprehensive system
are your clients' safety skills compliant?
Discover more about the solution and the problem it solves
A much more detailed walk through the technology, how it works and the individual beneficiaries.
Learn about the opportunities this breakthrough creates
What actions will this development create and how can you position yourself to benefit from it?
Get insight into the changes that will impact the industry
How the technology affects the main players. Trainees, trainers, RTOs and training coordinators.